Floppy Image is software to create AN image file of a floppy disk. It supports standard and non standard floppy diskS like double density and high density formats. A Standard floppy disk is 3.5” in size which is supported on all Windows operating systems and a non standard floppy disk is 5.25” but this format is supported only on latest version of Windows operating system with floppy image software. With this software you can create three types of image files which are compressed image file, uncompressed image file and self extracting image file. This software also helps to extract data from damaged floppy disks.
With the three types of image options, if you want to create a compressed file, and only readable by this software, you can select compressed image file option. If you need to create an image that is readable by other utilities like CD-burning software then you can go for the uncompressed image file option, and to create a self extracting executable that will allow you to recreate the floppy disk without having floppy image installed, you can chose self-extracting image file option. You can also set the behavior like first page, last page and visual options of the self-extracting image file you create. It also supports command line switches, which will allow you to create scripts and run specified actions without ever having to interact with the application directly.